Contact and location

Contact information

POREA, s.r.o.
Tuřanské náměstí 91/35
620 00 Brno

IČ: 07862571
DIČ: CZ07862571

The company is registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Brno, Section C, Insert 110643.

49°8'48.858"N 16°39'59.818"E
49.146905°N, 16.666616°E

+420 607 967 163


Here you can fill in the contact form

Kateřina Porubanová
tel.: +420 607 967 163

Petr Poruban
tel.: +420 721 192 292

Marie Smetanová

Kateřina Lacinová

Milena Chmelová

Ing. Simona Šperková

Mgr. Michaela Horáková, DiS.
